Our Property Sourcing Process


We start with a detailed discussion to understand your investment criteria, goals, and preferences.

Property Sourcing

Leveraging our extensive network and local market knowledge, we identify properties that match your requirements.

Due Diligence

We conduct comprehensive due diligence to ensure the property’s potential and profitability, including legal checks, financial assessments, and market analysis.


Our team negotiates the best possible terms on your behalf, aiming to maximize your investment returns.

Packaging and Presentation

We compile a detailed investment pack for each property, including all pertinent information, so you can make an informed decision.

Tailored Investment

Tailored Investment Opportunities for Serious Investors

At Exclusive Keys, we understand that finding the right investment property can be time-consuming and complex. That’s why we offer bespoke deal packaging services to investors, providing pre-vetted and profitable property opportunities in Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire. Whether you’re looking to expand your portfolio or making your first investment, our expert team is here to streamline the process.

Why Choose Our Deal Packaging Services?

Off-Market Deals

Gain exclusive access to premium off-market property deals not available to the general public. Our network enables us to offer you unique investment opportunities that are both lucrative and confidential.

Local Expertise

With our deep local knowledge and a finger on the pulse of the property market, we provide insights and advice that keep you ahead of market trends and developments. Trust in our expertise to make informed investment decisions.

Hassle-Free Management

Enjoy a hands-off investment experience as we handle all aspects of property management. From tenant screening to maintenance, we ensure your property is managed efficiently, maximising your returns without the day-to-day worries.

Streamlined Investment Sourcing

Harness our deep understanding of the local market to quickly identify prime investment opportunities, freeing you to concentrate on what truly matters in your life. With Exclusive Keys, you can save significant time and avoid the hassle of extensive market research. We’re here to source deals and support you in managing your investments as needed, allowing you to enjoy the benefits without the burden.

Get Started with Exclusive Keys

Take the first step towards expanding your property portfolio with ease. Contact Exclusive Keys today to schedule a consultation and discover how our deal packaging services can help you achieve your investment goals.

Benefits of Working with Exclusive Keys

Local Expertise

As specialists in Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire, we have in-depth knowledge of the local property markets.

Personal Service

Unlike larger chains, we offer a personal touch and are always just a phone call away.

Comprehensive Coverage

Your property is fully insured, and we handle all tenant communications, maintenance issues, and legal procedures.

What is Deal Packaging?

Deal packaging involves sourcing, negotiating, and assembling property deals that are tailored to the specific needs and goals of individual investors. We take care of the groundwork, ensuring that each investment is sound and has the potential for high returns.

Deal Packaging

Who Can Benefit?

New Investors

If you’re new to property investment, our deal packaging services can provide a guided, risk-mitigated entry into real estate.

Experienced Investors

Expand your portfolio with less hands-on involvement in the sourcing and acquisition process.